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ListSizeDates AvailableORCTRCost
Freedom Eagle Daily100kTues, Thurs, Sun 25.00%8%$2000
Rightside Offers100KMon, Wed, Sat23.00%10%$2000

Dedicated Email

Rightside Data ListsSizeORCTRCost
Freedom Falcon100k23%5%$1,000
News Around The Hill78k20%5%$2,000
Patriots America News115k25%4%$1,000
Patriots News Stand125k17%5% $1,000
Real Loaded News215k18%4%$1,500
Red Blooded Conservative160k21%5%$1,500
The Right Wing Club215k21%4%$1,500
The Patriotic Voice82k30%4%$2,000
The Political Movement100k22%5%$1,000
The Tea Party Daily245k19%5%$2,000
Union Daily Post100k21%5%$1,000
United We Stand100k26%5%$1,000
American Patriot Club100k22%5%$1,000
*CBD Segment50k35%4% $500
*Finance Segment40k55%7%$1000
*Political Segment50k65% 3%$750
*Survival Segment40k45%8%$1,000
*Weapons Segment45k25%5%$500
* Health Segment45k25% 7%$750
* Gold Segment27k45%7%$1,000

SMS - List

ListSizeAvg ClicksCost
The Real Patriotic Voice75k16,000 $2,000
The Tea Party Daily88k17,000$2,000
News Around The Hill85k19,000$2,000
The Political Movement of Health 59k11,000 $1,700
The Political Finance Movement30k9,000$1,000
The Political Movement 43k12,000$1,500